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Technological solutions with Artificial Intelligence applied to the Retail Industry

Spain, a country where there still seem to be companies with the philosophy of being reactive in their markets, trying to fight to respond with maximum efficiency in times of peak demand, but instead in times of falling demand they are unable to attract and retain customers, unless they use aggressive promotions with discounts.

This is the current situation, we find it in companies in various sectors, where the grace of COVID has generated an explosion in demand. But what will happen when the demand ends when the upward trend ends, or when the product becomes scarce in the face of continuing demand? These companies have a high probability that they will die.

Companies that are able, on the one hand, to attract, convince and build customer loyalty, and on the other hand, to manage and meet the expectations of their customers, will continue to grow in their market, and in turn will benefit from negotiating better with their suppliers.They are considered strategic partners for the brands they distribute.

This may seem like an ordeal for some companies, but in the 21st century it has an easy solution thanks to the current existence of digital platforms and technologies that help run businesses and companies with the use of artificial intelligenceThis is a simple and immediate way to increase profitability, multiplying the return on investment and maximising profits very easily.

If we take the retail world as a focal point, in the face of the great existing competition, it is vital to have a product portfolio that is as accurate as possible to the demand, not only to guarantee customer satisfaction, but also to guarantee the reduction of surpluses, thus increasing sales with the least possible stock-outs. In this way We will maximise profitability and minimise the sale of balances.. how to achieve this? Easy, by letting in artificial intelligence in analysis and diagnostics as well as in decision makingThis means working with algorithms, so that they can anticipate business trends and respond to the future as accurately as possible.

With instant information it is possible to transform data into effective prescriptions. Algorithms can be used to propose the best decisions in each planning process in order to guarantee a better result for the next season, collection, etc.

Can you imagine successfully planning the management of your purchases, the organisation of your sales and the introduction of new models? .... It is possible to plan your sales with the shop cluster, the ideal number of models and the assortment of your collection in a collaborative environment.

Can you imagine foreseeing possible changes in demand in order to plan your restocking, promotions, sales, transfers and the introduction of new products? .... it is also possible to come up with suggestions to have the right stock in shops, reducing stocks and increasing sales. What hurts the most today is losing sales by breaking stock, isn't it, so it is important to anticipate when launching a promotion, making sure that you have adequate stock, by coordinating strategies between departments.

Can you imagine a tool that helps you to translate the commercial strategy defined by the head office into specific actions for the sales staff at the points of sale, so that they know their objectives and focus their daily management proactively? Today, it is possible to suggest the most efficient tactics for salespeople to reach and exceed their targets, with proposals that are updated according to the evolution of sales, specific to each shop and per sales ticket.

Don't wait any longer and take the step to have our experts respond in the best possible way to manage your business with a method focused on maximising results in an agile and efficient way.

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